Texts of Virgil's poetry

If you'd just like to search the Latin text of Virgil's works, I recommend Virgil.org's own Virgil search engine.

If you'd like to browse Virgil's text online, try Joseph Farrell's Vergil Project. If you need help with the Latin, or would prefer to browse the poem in English, the Perseus Project hosts English as well as Latin versions of the text. Morphological helps for the Latin are available, and in the case of the Aeneid, the commentaries of Servius and Conington, as well.

Project Gutenberg has Latin texts and English translations of Virgil's works available for download. Click on the TXT links for an ASCII version, the ZIP links for the same text in compressed format.

Greenough's edition of the Latin text is available in the TeX and HTML formats from Project Libellus, with each book or eclogue in a separate file.

Plain-text versions of the Greenough text (with line numbers and some corrections) can now be viewed here at Virgil.org; to store the file on your hard drive, use your browser's save command after loading:

Plain-text English translations can also be downloaded from MIT's Internet Classics Archive.

The Latin text of Servius' commentary (ed. Thilo and Hagen, 1881) is available with parsed vocabulary at Perseus. Plain-text versions are also available here as single files:

The Latin text of the Appendix Vergiliana, as edited by W. V. Clausen (Oxford, 1966) is available at Biblioteca Augustana. Another text, originally contributed by David Camden but with source unknown, has been incorporated into the Virgil search engine; this line-numbered text can also be viewed here at Virgil.org; to store the file on your hard drive, use your browser's save command after loading.
Other Virgil Sites

If you know of another Virgil site that should be listed here, please email the URL and title to David Wilson-Okamura at david@virgil.org. A selected list of classics metasites is also available.

Shirley Werner

A Bibliographic Guide to Vergil's Aeneid
Selective, annotated bibliography covering ancient scholarship, anthologies, bibliography, biography, commentaries, cultural context, editions, electronic, encyclopedia, ideology, individual books and passages, major studies, patronage, predecessors and literary traditions, reception and influence, religion, philosophy, cosmology, Rome and Italy, style, themes, techniques, theory and approaches, translation, transmission and text.

Phil Stanley
The Vergilian Society
Table of contents, abstracts from Vergilius, the journal of the Vergilian Society. Annual bibliographies of Vergilian scholarship.

Joseph Farrell
The Vergil Project
View Latin text of the Aeneid in any one of five versions, with online commentary and brief essays on topics such as Virgil's meter. Also allows individuals to create their own, personalized versions of the text. Ongoing work, under construction.

Holt Parker
Vergil's Garden
An illustrated guide to plants and trees Virgil's Georgics (at some point, the Eclogues and Aeneid may be included as well).

Charles H. Lohr
Traditio Classicorum: The Fortuna of the Classical Authors to the Year 1650
Includes a goodly number of entries for Virgil.

Valahfridus (Wilfried) Stroh
Aeneid IV, Aloud in Latin
"Valahfridus (Wilfried) Stroh...is particularly interested in Roman love poetry, oratory, prosody, and in Neo-Latin. Professor Stroh is fond of using Latin in his writing and conversation and, when he encounters young people who are eager for learning, he strives to instruct them in the art of spoken Latin."

Thomas Jenkins
Harvard Classics Prose and Poetry Recital Page
Thomas Jenkins (formerly of Harvard, now at Rice University) has recorded Wendell Clausen and Richard Thomas reading a number of passages from the Aeneid in Latin: 1.195f., 1.586f., 4.331f., 6.124f., 6.185f., 6.450f. (read by Clausen) and 12.926 ad finem (read by Thomas). Readings from other Roman authors include Ovid and Statius (by Kathleen Coleman), Cicero and Catullus (by Richard Tarrant), and assorted Greeky things (by Gregory Nagy and Carolyn Higbie). These recordings are naturally very useful for students trying to get a sense of what classical poetry sounds like when read by someone with a feeling for poetry and classical meters.

William Harris
Papers on the Classics
Miscellaneous papers, including "Vergil: The Secret Life" (a speculative commentary on the ancient vitae, both in a longer and a shorter version), a two-part introduction to Virgil's art, a school commentary on Aeneid 4, and a brief discussion of the earliest Virgil manuscripts and how they were read.

Roger Dunkle
Aeneid Study Guide
Brief remarks on genre, historical background, with study questions for books 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12.

Dennis De Young
AP Vergil Wordlist
"Contains a complete wordlist with meanings of all words required on the AP Vergil syllabus. Also contains three word frequency lists."

Andrew Wilson
The Classics Pages
Two sections on Virgil. The first identifies Geo. 1.197-204 as "Virgil's philosophy in a nutshell" and suggests that it looks forward to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The second offers English translations of Aen. 2 and 6 with hypertext notes and a summary of books 1, 3, 4, and 5.

Joseph Farrell (University of Pennsylvania)
602: Vergil's Aeneid
Spring 1997. Syllabus, with primary and secondary readings for each week. Includes one week on Ecl. and Geo. Includes a number of secondary readings that have appeared since Farrell's autumn 1995 course, valuable as introductory bibliography.

T. E. Goud (University of New Brunswick)
Classics 1502: Roman Myth and Religion
"An introduction to the divine and heroic myths and to the religion of the Roman world." Includes outlines of Virgil's Aeneid, Ovid's Fasti and Metamorphoses.

Alexander Neckham
Anecdota de Vergilio
"The Secret History of Virgil, said to be based on a history by Gaius Asinius Pollio." Edited and translated by Joannes Opsopoeus Brettanus, with select bibliography on Virgil's medieval reputation as a magician.

Raphael Lyne
Correspondence of Dido & Aeneas
An epistolary exchange between Dido and Aeneas, as imagined by an anonymous Elizabethan poet. Online edition with raw transcription and notes.

John Van Sickle
Readers Commentary on the Book of the Bucolics
Online text of three review articles on the status questionis in current Eclogues criticism, with an invitation to dialogue. Also includes a set of structural outlines for the Eclogues and reproduces a sixteenth-century portrait of the poet, complete with spectacles.

J.-Y. Maleuvre
Maleuvre has been arguing for at least 34 articles and books that Virgil's poetry is rife with covert criticism of the princeps, and that Augustus eventually killed him for it. This web site summarizes those arguments. Even if you're not convinced (I'm not), readers who like the idea of a subversive Virgil will find lots of grist for their mills here. Among Maleuvre's more interesting claims: Augustus forged Virgil's Culex, along with several lines from the Aeneid.