to the Twelfth Book of the Aeneid
by Maffeo Vegio, translated by Thomas Twyne

Maffeo Vegio (1407-1458) composed this, the most famous attempt to continue Virgil's Aeneid, at the tender age of twenty-one, in 1428. (The first attempt was made by Pier Candido Decembrio, in 1419, but Decembrio abandoned the effort after only 89 lines.) Sometimes called the "thirteenth book of the Aeneid," Vegio's Supplementum regularly appeared in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century editions of Virgil's works, and elicited commentaries, first from Jodocus Badius Ascensius (1501) and later from Nicolaus Erythraeus (1538-39). A Scots translation, by Bishop Gavin Douglas (1513) was published in 1553, and an English translation in 1584, by the physician Thomas Twyne. Twyne's translation, in Elizabethan fourteeners, is given below from Brinton's edition. The Latin text of the Supplement, as printed in the editio princeps (Venice, 1471), is also available online.

Selected Bibliography

Kern, Hans. Supplemente zur Aeneis aus dem 15 und 17 Jahrhunderdt. Nuremberg: Stich, 1896.

Raffaele, Luigi. Maffeo Vegio: elenco delle opere, scritti inediti. Bologna, Zanichelli, 1909. The standard life of Vegio, with a bibliography of his writings.

Brinton, Anna Cox. Maphaeus Vegius and his Thirteenth Book of the Aeneid: A Chapter on Virgil in the Renaissance. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1930. Prints the translations of Douglas and Twyne, as well as the Latin text of the editio princeps (Venice: Adam de Ambergau, 1471); includes an introduction to Vegio's life and the critical reception of the Supplement.

Ross, Charles S. "Maffeo Vegio's 'short Cristyn wark,' with a Note on the Thirteenth Book in Early Editions of Vergil." Modern Philology 78 (1981): 215-26.

Schneider, Bernd, ed. Das Aeneissupplement des Maffeo Vegio: Eingeleitet, nach den Handschriften herausgegeben, übersetzt und mit einem Index versehen. Acta Humaniora. Weinheim: VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, 1985. Critical edition of Vegio's Latin text, based on the earliest manuscripts.

Kallendorf, Craig. In Praise of Aeneas: Virgil and Epideictic Rhetoric in the Early Italian Renaissance. Hanover and London: UP of New England, 1989. Ch. 5.


So soone as Aeneas had slayne Turnus, the Rutilians submitting themselves
are received into the mercy of the Conquerour, not without deserved
reproches for resisting the providence of the Gods, concerning his arrivall
and setling in Italy. Then Aeneas taketh Pallas belt from about Turnus,
which was partlye the cause that he slue him, determining to send it for a
token to king Evander. After this, honour being duly perfourmed to such as
wer slain in fight, Aeneas congratulateth to his sunne Iülus and mates,
their happie victories, and quiet peace purchased at last, after so many
tempestes and troubles. But king Latinus bewayling the death of Turnus,
with confutation of the fond enticements of Ambition, and uncerteinty of
honour and kingly estate, sendeth the dead body unto Daunus his father, who
most pitifully lamenteth the rashnesse and haplesse successe of his sunne,
as also the destruction of his citie Ardea, which being consumed with fire,
is transformed into a byrd of that name. Immediately Latinus sendeth Ora-
tours unto Aeneas, Drances being cheefe, who after discommendation of
Turnus whom he hated, and the excuse of king Latinus touching the breache
of covenants, desireth him into the citie and pallace, where with great
solemnitie Latinus coupleth unto him in marriage Lavinia his daughter, and
only childe, both Troyans and Italians muche reioycing at this legue of
amitie. Shortly after, Aeneas buildeth a citie, whiche by the advise of his
mother Venus, hee calleth after his wives name: and king Latinus dying, hee
succeedeth him in the crowne and government. And when he had raigned full
three yeares, his mother Venus clensing him from contagion of mortalitie in
the river Numicius neare Laurentum, she carieth him up into heaven, and
translateth him into the number of the starres.

      When Turnus in this finall fight downethrowne, his flittring ghost
      Had yeelded up unto the aire, in middest of all the host
      Aeneas valient victour stands, god Mavors champion bold.
      The Latines stoynisht standing, from their hartes great groanes unfold,
      And deepely from their inward thoughts revolving cause of care,
      Their daunted minds they do let fall; Like as thick woods that are
      Of bignesse huge, lament their lossewhen first their leaves do fall
      Through furious force of northren blastes, of greene that spoiles them all.
      Their weapons then on ground they pight, and on their swords do rest,
 10   And from their shoulders lay their shieldes, and battle do detest.
      The frantike love of warre, erewhile well liked, now they hate.
      No pleasure of the victour they refuse, nor captive state.
      But pardon crave, and rest require, all mischiefes to abate.
      Like as when two couragious Bulles togither run in fight,
      With stoare of blood redoubling stripes, the heards there prest in sight
      As they pertayne, enclyne ech to their bull, but if one quayle,
      They earst which lov'de their foyled guide, to him that did prevayle
      Submit themselves, and though great greefe their harts no doubt possesse,
      Do willingly yeeld up themselves as subiects naithelesse:
 20   The Rutils so, though sorrowes great their harts did then molest,
      Through feare of thus their captayne slayne, in mind did then protest.
      The victour armes for to pursue, and Troyan Duke obey,
      And leagues to crave, and peace eterne from warres for to enioy.
           On Turnus corps Aeneas sitting then, thus mildly spake.
      What furie great from modestie thy minde so madly brake,
      That Troyans by the heastes of Gods, and doome of love on hie
      Ariving here, thou wouldst not let to dwell in Italie,
      O Turnus, but in vayne from promisd houses wouldst expell?
      Learne love to feare, and what the Gods do will, to like that well.
 30   For mightie love in wrath will burne, and what thing worthye blame
      Is done, the Gods will not forget for to revenge the same.
      Loe here the end of all thy rage, whereby gaynst faith and right
      Disturbing leagues, the Troyan bands thou didst provoke to fight.
      Loe here the finall day, which unto such as shall be borne
      In time hereafter may a mirrour be, not love to skorne
      That they presume in vayne, and hateful broyles of warres to breede.
      But in thine armour now reioyce: A noble corps indeede
      Here Turnus dead thou liest, but yet Lavinia cost thee deare.
      No shame that with Aeneas hand yslayne thou liest heare.
 40   Now Rutils hence convay your Lord, his armour, and the man
      I franckly yeelde, do honours to the dead the best ye can.
      As for the weightie belt, which unto Pallas did belong,
      To king Evander will I send, that comfort great among
      For death of foes he may conceive, and ioy for Turnus slayne,
      And you Ausonians these thinges repose in mindfull brayne,
      Henceforth to learne some iuster cause of battaile to ensue.
      By starres I sweare, that never feild nor armes I did pursue
      In willing minde, but forced foorth through this your frantick moode,
      With Troyan strength your headlong force at wish and wil withstoode.
 50   Aeneas sayd no more, but to the loftie walles with cheare
      His steppes did turne, and to the Troyan houses drew him neare.
      Him after all the troupe of Phrigian youth reioycing trace,
      And wightfull steedes with force of nimble foote prick forth apace:
      Reproving sore the Latines all by dastardes loathsome name,
      With shouts and noyses great, that ayre and skies resound the same.
      And though the bodies yet untombde to burne with great desire
      Within his mind doth rise, and his dead mates to waste with fire:
      Aeneas yet revolving greater matters in his brest,
      To yeeld the Gods their honours first right due he deemde it best.
 60   Then Heickfers fat, as countries guise hath taught, forthwith they kil,
      And hogges they cast on heapes, and sheepe they drive the temples til,
      And trampled earth with streames of blood shead forth they purple staine,
      And intrailes forth they pluck, and from the flock their felles they straine,
      And corpses forth they cut, and broches lay to rost at fire.
      Then wine in boules they forth do fill, as custome doth require.
      And gifts to Bacchus up do heape, and with full cuppes adore
      His sacred alters fuming fat with cense and flesh good store.
      Then in the houses shoutings loude they make, and love betweene
 70   They do extoll, and Venus thee, and thee O Iuno Queene
      More friendly and more loving now with great prayse they confesse.
      And Mars himselfe, and all the troupe of Gods both more and lesse
      Are there recited, and with laud extolled to the skie.
      But Lord Aeneas peere of price to all the standers bie,
      His doubled handes in humblewise did stretche into the aire,
      And clasping fast his childe hee spake thus to Iülus faire.
      O sunne, thy fathers only hope, whom through distresses strange
      My selfe have led, with destnies diverse drawne enforst to range.
      Loe, rest at length is found, loe now that day the last of payne
 80   And troubles great that bringes an ende, most pleasant now we game.
      Which day most wished still, when me to warres hard happe did call,
      By Gods good will, I know, to thee I oft did tell, would fall.
      And now when first the morning bright shall shine with purple weede,
      Unto the Rutil walles I thee will send advancde indeede.
      Then to the Troyan nation next he turned and deepe from out
      His brest these words he drew, and mildly spake to all the rout.
      O Mates, that through sharp dangers thick and oft have past, through broyls
      Of warres so great, through winters many, fierce and bitter toyles,
      Through what was fearefull, greevous, wofull, huge, and what unjust,
 90   Unfortunate and cruell too, pluck up to better lust
      Your minds as now, the ende is come, heere shall that end be fixt
      Of mischiefes all, and wished peace be setled us betwixt
      And these the men of Latium. Then shall Lavinia deere
      My wife, whom I in battaile fierce have woon, to Troyans cheare
      Advaunce our stock with Itayle blood commixt to bide for aye.
      This one thing Mates, the Ausonians, with equall minds, I pray,
      To beare and use, and eke my sire in law Latinus King
      For to obay, for he the scepter shall enioy, this thing
      I have determined in minde: but you in warres and fight
100   Learne godlinesse of me, and trace therein my steppes aright.
      What glory great is gaynd thereby to us, you playnly see.
      But by the heaven and glittring starres I sweare, eterne that bee:
      I that preserved have your lives before from dangers hard,
      Will after this requite your toyles with greater far reward.
      Such talke he treated then, and sundry chances in his brest
      Forepassed did revolve, not smally reckoning of his rest
      Through travaile late obtaynde, and tender love in brest he bare
      Unto his Troyans, whome to have escapte from dangers rare
      He did reioyce. And like the Hen her broode that clucking guides,
110   When in the ayre a kyte that soaring round in compasse glides
      She doth espie, which stouping swift to ground with greedy bill
      With furie seekes to pray, and threatneth all the birds to kill.
      The combed Dame then touchte at heart, doth streit her self advaunce,
      Alfrighted with the sodayne feare, and chickens heavie chaunce.
      She whets her bill and with her greatest force withstands her foe
      Until with sturdie strength she make him voyd away to goe.
      Then cackling thence, she halts to seeke them earst disturbde with feare,
      And flockes them much amazde, such love she to her younge doth beare.
      None otherwise Anchisus sunne with words, and gesture milde
120   The Troyans did appease, while former feares and dangers wilde
      Outworne he doth revolve in minde, and ioyes by troubles long,
      Obteyned yet at length, which though in bearing bread him wrong
      In former times, the memorie thereof yet bringes delight.
      But Lord Aeneas farre excelling all in vertue bright,
      Due thanks unto the Gods for gifts received earst he payes,
      And Iupiter almightie God extolles with worthie prayse.
           Therwhiles the great and wofull corps, the Rutils thick in throng,
      Duke Turnus bodie dead have brought to towne in pompe along
      With heavie harts perplext, and sheading streams of trickling teares.
130   The clamour great with greefe had filled soone Latinus eares
      All tired now, and casting sundry chances in his brest.
      Who after that he heard the mone encrease with mournefull quest,
      And Turnus with a mightie wound yslayne did there behold,
      His teares he could not stay, but meekely al the troupe controld.
      And with his handes and speeches sad deepe silence did commaund.
      And like as when the foming boare with tuskes fierce forth that stand,
      Some noble hound the cheefe of all the kennell, through hath stuck,
      The barking crue doth back retire dismayed with dreadfull luck,
      And thronging thick about their maister round do make their mone,
140   And houlings great send forth with dread and greefe commixt at one.
      But then the maister holding up his hands and bidding hush,
      Their noyse they straight restrayne, and silent sit at present push.
      The Rutils so, in voices whust did inward sorrow presse.
      Then king Latinus shedding teares, his words thus to adresse
      From heart deepe drawn began. What troubles great, what often change
      Do mens affaires assay, and tosse their minds with whirlewind strange?
      O foolish fancie fayne to rule, and scepters brittle pride.
      O frantike madnesse graft in men desirous realmes to guide.
      To what distresse doost thou enforce mens blinded harts to run,
150   And glorie got with dangers great our puffed minds to wun?
      How many treasons, deaths, and perils dread of mischiefes fell,
      How many gleaves andswords before thine eyes (if thou couldst tell)
      Attending wait on thee? O deadly poyson dulcet sweete,
      And worldly honours pestilent. O wofull travayles meete
      For such as crownes do weare, that cost them deare, and heavie sway
      Of charge, which never suffers them to live a merry day,
      Nor any time of rest permits. O wofull princely state,
      And miserable chaunce of kings subiect to dread and hate.
      What hath it, Turnus, thee availd the whole Ausonian land
160   With tumultes great to stur, and Troians armd thus to withstand?
      And to infringe the covenantes fixt of sacred peace and rest?
      Whence could so great impatience invade thy seely brest?
      That warres with stocke of Gods, by will of high love hether brought
      Wouldst make, and from our seates, provoking us, to drive hadst thought?
      And causde my daughter breake the faith to lord Aeneas sworne,
      And warres to raise, which I gainsaying, should have bin forborne?
      What madnes great thy senses so did sot? How often thee
      To batteill prest, and mounted faire, all glittring bright to see,
      Have I assayd to stay, they iourney purposde to restraine,
170   And fearing blamed have thee parting oft, but all in vaine.
      Herof my gaines the citie shewes with houses halfe downe rent,
      And mighty feildes about with Latine snowhite bones besprent,
      And Latium spoild of all the strength, and hugie slaughters made,
      And rivers staind with blood of men that ruddy running fade.
      And feares long time continuing, and labours hardly rid,
      Which I myselfe, old man, have oft with danger great abid.
      But Turnus dead heere now thou liest where is thy noble pride
      Of youthly yeeres, thy minde surpassing high? Where doth abide
      The honour of thy countenance, thy persons cumly grace
180   Where is it now become? From Daunus eies what teares down trace,
      And sorrowes sharpe his hart assalt, shalt, Turnus, thou procure?
      What streames of teares, what bitter greefe all Ardea to endure?
      But yet with dastard shameful wound thee slaine he shall not finde.
      Which will no slender comfort bring unto his careful minde,
      That by Aeneas sword of Troy thy life thou hast untwinde.
           This said, the trickling teares on blubred cheekes he downe let fall.
      And turning to the multitude, the corpes before them all
      Unto his fathers wofull towne to beare he them did will,
      Where sacred honours due unto the dead they should fulfill.
190   Anon the body of the youth the Rutils thicke in throng
      Advauncing up did lift, and in a coffin laid along.
      Then ensignes brave they beare, and spoiles from Troians tane in fight.
      And headpeices, and steedes, and swordes, and sheildes and armour bright.
      Anon the charrets warme with Phrygian slaughter next ensue.
      Then weeping next Metiscus leades his horse, with traveill true
      That trained was, bedewd with teares, and wet with wofull mone,
      Which horse before had oft Lord Turnus victour borne, alone
      When slaughter great in furious moode he made upon his foes.
      Then others marching on with turned weapons plodding goes.
200   At last the rout of youthes do weeping follow, large with teares
      Their breastes distilling wet, and whust the night foorth wearie weares.
      This while Latinus king into the court his steps had bent,
      When much for funerall so great perplext in minde he went.
      The matrones all in troupe, the children younge, and fathers grave,
      Their teares downe trickling shead, the town with shrikes doth yelling rave.
           But Daunus nothing privie of such woes yet to remaine,
      Nor that his noble sun in final fight of combat slaine
      His haughtie ghost had yeelded up, and now with sad aray
210   Drew neere the towne, his hart with other sorowes did affray.
      For at what time the Latine bandes in fight were put to wurst,
      And noble Turnus breathing blood imbrued the feild accurst:
      That time an hugie fire the towne had caught, and walles on hie,
      And Ardea wofull Daunus cuntrey skorching made to frie,
      Which all to ashes was consumde, the flame it was so great.
      There was no meanes nor hope remaining left to save the seat.
      I wot nere if the Gods would have it so, or Destnies wild
      This token to foreshew that Turnus then in fight was kild.
      Forthwith the people much appald in minde, and sore affright
220   Their breasts did beat, and mourning sore bewaild this heavy plight.
      So did the matrones standing all a rew with like desires,
      Where ech their utmost did assay to shun the raging fires.
      And like as when the armie blacke of Antes prest hot at wurke,
      That underneath some tree, or hollow roote wherein to lurke
      Their dwelling poore have made, if so by hap thereto at length
      And are be set, and so the trunke be layd along by strength,
      On straglingwise anon they startle forth in troupes of strives,
      And swift to flight themselves betake fast trudging for their lives.
      And like the Snaile which creeping on an house with fire opprest.
230   When first she feeles the heate, with striving long doth take no rest,
      With head and taile she toyles, all meanes of scaping to assay,
      The heat her skorching, wiles she none lets pas to get away.
      Noneotherwise, the citizens with dangers like beset
      Bestur themselves, when present feare their troubled mindes did let.
      But Daunus old, with yeeres, good man, accloyd, above them all
      To heaven his voice did lift, and to the Gods for helpe did call.
      Then was there seene anon out of the thickest flame to rise
      A foule with clapping winges, aloft which mounting cut the skies.
      The signe and name retaining of the towne, which Ardea hight.
240   So that which late with walles and towres did stand ful steepe in sight
      Transfourmed now into a birde with winges doth flie about.
      Amazed at this wonder all, and heastes of Gods no doubt
      Not small astoinde, their burdned backes and mouthes they stil do hold.
      But Daunus oft his cuntries losse in heavie hart doth fold
      With raging flames consumed thus, and greifes in minde restraines
      On necke of this, a fame forerunning quicke with rumour raignes,
      Which far and wide their mated mindes invades with clamour newe,
      That hard at hand approaching comes a wofull corse in viewe
      With armed troupes accompaned, which Turnus body dead
250   Are bringing home, whose life through fatall wound was lately fled.
      Astoined all hereat, for with as cuntrey guise had taught,
      Thick threefold thronging fired brands black burning forth they braught
      The feildes with flames do shine, and to the cummers side by side
      Themselves they ioyne, whom when thus al in ray the matrones spide
      Their hands for woe they wring, and to the cloudes they lift their crie.
      But Daunus when he saw his sunnes dead corpse approching nie,
      Still standing forth anon did cast with greife his ruthfull looke,
      And faring frantiklike into the throng himselfe betooke,
      And on the wofull corse him there he kest and held it fast,
260   And thus when speech to him began returne, he spake at last.
           O sun, thy fathers greife, and stay from weeried yeeres bereft,
      Through dangers great mee drawne (poore wretch alas) where hast thou left?
      Where did thy valure stout of minde mee lead but all in vaine
      In murdrous fight with cruell wound that thus at length art slaine?
      Is this the honour of thy strength, and glorie of our crowne?
      Is this our Empires maiestie, and state of great renowne?
      Such triumphes, sun, doost thou returning bring? is this the rest
      Which for thy father afflicted oft to win thou didst protest?
      Of all our sharpe sustained toiles so long, is this the end?
270   Poore man, alas, how hastily fell fortune forth doth bend
      Our curelesse sliding time, and with what stur do Destnies run?
      For thou that late to honours high extold didst shine as sun,
      And greatest in all Latium land wast held, whom Troian bandes
      So oft in feild did fearfull feele, and flie thy furious handes:
      Now Turnus here my childe thou liest, a wofull corse in sight.
      Thy head deprived is of speech, than which for bewtie bright
      Not all Ausonia had the like, nor yet for speech thy peere
      Softflowing, nor in peace that could himself more stoutly beere.
      Where is become thy glistring hue, and countnance cumly deere,
280   And skin as white as snow, and dulcet eies provoking cheere?
      The honour of thine heavely sacred necke where is it fled?
      With so yll lucke have these thy firstling toiles of Mars bin led?
      Was this thy longing sore at parting hence the warres to see,
      That in this wofull vile aray thou shouldst returne to mee?
      O hatefull death which doost alone the mindes puft up in pride
      With armes revenging straine, and on our kind both far and wide
      All ruling beare the sway with equall law, and sparest none,
      But great and small doo weary hence away till all be gone.
      The vassals with their princes stout, the valient with the wratch,
290   The old and younge thou makest all alike, and ioynt to match.
      O death mostwretched vile, what case unworthy so to rage,
      Enforced thee my sun to slay with wound, in tender age?
      Amata Queene thrice happy with thy death thou maist reioyce,
      That causes to avoide so great of greife, didst take the choyce,
      And burden hugie great of cares to beare, and chaunces sad.
      O heavenly Gods, what farther greifes like this, or halfe so bad
      For me poore wretched father do ye prepare? My sun ye have,
      And quite to ashes lieth consumde my towne that Ardea brave,
      And now with wings she beates the aire: yet over this, as cheife
300   Then wanting, added is of this thy blooddy death the greife.
      Of all thy fathers luckles haps this is the fortune last.
      Of Destnies ill for this the custome is, this is their cast.
      Looke what poore soule unto some hard mishap predestned is,
      On him all mischeifes feirce downe hudling fall, and do not misse.
      He said, and from his eies the trickling teares ran downe amaine,
      Deepe sighes from breast he drew, and hard at hart he prest the paine.
      As when the birde of Iove, aloft in skies with talantes kine
      That skimming seekes her pray, when of some fawne with blooddy tine
      Doth griping straine the tender corps, and off the flesh doth teare,
310   The seely dambe amazed standes opprest with woe and feare.
           The morning next with shining beames the world had overspred,
      When his Italian power, good king Latinus, hard bested
      By fatall foyle and fainting all did see, and conquest wide
      To lord Aeneas fortune willing so, went on his side.
      Revolving eke the tumultes vile that blooddy warres ensue,
      Right hugie heapes of carking cares in pensive minde he drew.
      When on his promist league he thought, and daughters wedding day:
      A thousand worthy men of choyce from all the troupes away
      He bids to call, the Troian prince of vertue most renowne
320   Attending safely to conduct unto Laurentum towne.
      To these full many Oratours in gownes, with equall charge
      Instructing much hee ioyneth in this worke with charter large.
      That since by signes and warninges great of Gods it must be so,
      That Troian with Italian blood commixed needes do go,
      They would consent with willing mindes for to perfourme the thinge,
      And Troian youth with ioyfull harts into the towne to bring.
      Therwhiles himself the towne in order sets, and rabble rout
      Appeasing staies their mindes and rest doth promise void of doubt,
      And sacred peace unto them all for ever to endure.
330   Then triumphes rightly due with shoutings loud he bids procure,
      And honours duely to be doone in Court for every state.
      And farther willes with cheerfull looke in hope of better fate
      Forgetting sorowes all, his sun in law they go to meete,
      And hartily from frendly breastes the Troian youth to greete,
      And them with shoutings great to enterteine, and welcome make.
      Instructed thus, unto the Troian tentes their way they take,
      Their heades encompast round with sacred crownes of Olive spray.
      And to Aeneas courtise lord they come, and peace they pray.
      Whome hee into his stately court to entre doth desire,
340   And cause of their repaire, with countnance milde, he doth require,
           Then Drances well ystept in yeeres his grave words thus began.
      (Who for the death Turnus prince did ioy not smally than.)
      Most worthy prince, the glory greatand hope of auntientTroy,
      Whose peere for verteous deedes and armes the world doth not enioy,
      Poore conquerd men for pardon wee thee pray, and sue for grace.
      And all celestiall Goddesses, and Gods, and this thy face
      To witnesdeepe we call, that king Latinus gainst his wul
      All Latium land in tumultes mad upstirde, with practice ill,
      And league broake of unwilling did behold, nor honour due
350   To Troians did denie to yeeld misled with fancie new,
      But since the Gods so would, that thou his daughter deere shouldst wed,
      Thee sun in law he calde, and well did with thy dulcet hed.
      But what soever fierce outrage was doone with martiall broiles,
      However furies forst us to unrest, and painfull toiles,
      All that did Turnus bedlem rage, and minde with Feindes opprest
      Through cancred spite enforce, whose hatefull hart could take no rest.
      The kingdomes of all Italy gainsaying, with yll moode
      Assaying armes, he causde to entre feild, which thee withstoode.
      But all the bandes did him againe request, that leaving war
360   He would thee let enioy thy promist wife, withouten iar.
      This much did good Latinus king with dubled hands require,
      Good aged man of valient hart, but hee with raging fire
      Of war was kindled to to much, ne could our treates prevaile
      To move his mind, nor monsters great of gods ought make him quaile.
      But rather more encenst, wilde fires from flaming iawes did spue,
      And frantickly himself, and us, to causelesse warres he drue.
      Howbeit, for his foule attemptes due recompence he found.
      For overthrowne by thee, he toare with teeth the loathsome ground.
      Now let his sinfull soule go seeke darke Plutoes seates below,
370   And under Acheron for warres, and weddings there to know.
      Thou better heire far succeede unto Laurentum land.
      On thee Latinus familie, and comfort all doth stand.
      Thee all the Italians with above the golden starres to reigne.
      Thee great in war, and great thy force in heavenly armes to streine
      They do extoll, and with their voice advance thy worthy fame.
      The noble troupe of fathers old, and routes right grave of name,
      The elder sort of feeble age, and lads of youthful yeeres,
      The antient dames, and tender babes, and maide snot matcht with feeres
      With one consent most willing thee desire, and doreioyce
380   For Turnus slaine by thy right hand, with loud triumphing voice.
      The whole land of Ausonia most suppliant to thee
      Doth make request, whom worthy most of sacredpraise to bee
      They do confesse, and all their eies on thee alone are bent.
      Latinus king this only due reward for numbers spent
      Of yeeres, his daughter hath to knit to thee in wedlocke band,
      Who offspring great shal yeeld commixt of Troy and Itayle land.
      Wherefore come of with speede of Troians stout most noble guide,
      Approch the towne the honours to receive which we provide,
      When he had sayd, with humming voice the same they mutter all.
390   Whome lord Aeneas first with cheerefull countnance far from gall
      Doth enterteining comfort thus in wordes not many spent,
      And on this wise from freendly breast declareth his entent.
           I neither you, nor good Latinus king, in peace of yore
      Accustomed to dwell, do blame at all, but Turnus sore
      Outragies all this stur, I do not doubt, and bloodie broile
      Did broach, whose hart to much with youthly love of praise did broile
      But howsoever, sirs, it then befell, I not refuse
      With you to ioyne in wedlocke bandes, but sacred league to chuse.
      Of peace eternally to last, I willingly do knit.
400   My fatherlaw shall wearing still the crowne in quiet sit,
      And stately scepter hold in hand: My Troians shall for mee
      A citie build, which by his daughters name shall called bee.
      And houshould mates I more will ad, and equal lawes ordeine
      For aie to last, that love in ech to other may reteine.
      Therwhiles, that which remaineth yet to do, the bodies ded
      Commit to fire, whom wofull chance of frantike war misled
      And when to morow bright in christall skie shall first appeere,
      Unto Laurentum towne we wil repaire with ioyfull cheere,
      He sayd, and with those wordes, their mouthes amazed all they staid,
410   With wondring at this worke of vertue great almost dismaid.
      Anon, with all their force great mountes of wood they raise in piles.
      Some underlay the bodies dead, some blow the flames therwhiles.
      Up flieth the smoke, which al the heaven with smutchie steame doth fill
      Then thousands sheepe from feilde, and swine full fat they bring to kill.
      And heckfers large they cast into the fires, the flames do cleere
      The feildes of corpses dead, the aire resounds with shouting cheere.
           Sir Phoebus now the morning next had brought with golden light,
      When Troians and Italians commixt, in ioyfull sight
      All mounted fayre on horseback forth to Laurent take their way,
420   Unto that citie brave well fenst with walles and turrets gay.
      But Lord Aeneas first before the rest, then Drances old
      Infourming him of matters many one which there he told.
      Iülus next his only child, then ripe with elder yeares
      Alethes, and Ilionee right grave and next appeares
      Sir Mnesthee, and Serestus sharpe and then Sergestus good,
      And Gyas stout, and strong Cloanthus knight of Troyan blood.
      Then all the rout of Troians and Italians ensue.
      Therwhiles aloft the walles full thicke the townesmen throng to vew,
      And signes of great triumphing ioy and praise they reare on hie,
430   Expecting there the Troian traines approch with greedy eie.
      And now they came at hand, whom king Latinus glad of cheere
      Did well attended meete to enterteine them drawing neere.
      But when in mids of all the troupes he cumming did espie
      Aeneas prince of Troy, (ne did his fancie ghesse awrie,
      For why he far exceld the rest in height, and portly grace,
      And bare a Maiestie in looke, and honour in his face.)
      And when so neere they came, that ech to other speake he might,
      And heare ech others voyce, and ioyntly hands in freendship smight,
      Latinus first thus silence breaking, mildly gan recight.
440        Thou comst at length, ne hath my fixed hope my greedy minde
      Deceived ought. O most renowmed duke of Dardan kinde.
      Whom great beheasts of Gods through dangers dread so many threst,
      Would have in Italy, and in our houses here to rest.
      Although the frantike furie foule of man, beyond all right
      For breach of league hath wrought the wrath of Gods on us to light.
      Yea, many times unwilling mee, when warres I did defie,
      By craft he trained in, the dangers sharpe of Mars to trie.
      This so was doone indeede, but deere it cost, for why, in ire
      The Gods disdaining sent revenging paines on us for hire.
450   But now come on most noble Troian lord, since all the spring
      Of strife is gone, and cause of fact so vile and sinfull thing,
      Accept thy wife, and marriage erst promised of yore.
      Some realmes I have, and towne with walles full strong surrounded store,
      A daughter eke of this my tired age the only stay.
      And thee my suninlaw for native childe I take for aie.
      To whom then good Aeneas thus replide: Most mighty king,
      No cause in thee of all these blooddy broiles, such warres to bring
      I do beleeve, accustoming in peace thy daies to spend.
      Wherefore such cares atonce, good father deere, here let them end.
460   I now am come at last, and thee with ioy whatever chance
      For father heere mine I take, and once againe for to advance
      Anchises image old in thee I shall begin, and heere
      Most fervently in sunlike love to hold, with dutie deere.
           Thus talked they betweene themselves, and into houses went
      With princely state bedeckt, where fayne to see with studie bent
      The Matrones grave, and younger wedded wives in thickest throng,
      And fathers old, and youthes more greene of yeres the wayes along
      There gazing stoode, the Troyan troupes of comly lim to see:
      But most of all Aeneas mightie prince, of high degree
470   In birth, and cumly farre above the rest in princely face,
      With ioyfull mindes they call, and peace obtainde do glad imbrace,
      And fruites of rest long wished for do prayse. Like as a rayne,
      And storme right huge that long from cloudes resolv'de down pourd amayn
      The husbandmen long time suspenst hath kept, the crooked plowe
      Hath rusting lyne at rest, when strength of beasts was wont to bowe.
      But when sir Titan cleare in court right fayre, his horses white
      Hath loosing set at large, and skies with golden beames are bright,
      Profusedly they ioy, ech countrey lad another cheares.
      Th'Ausonians right so, in time so good when ioy appeares,
480   Their mindes asswaged all. And now therwhiles Latinus king,
      To loftie courtes and Traverses of state did stalking, bring
      Aeneas by his side, and next Iülus bright of hue.
      Next whom Italians and Troians mixt in course ensue:
      The court is filde with mirth of troupes that thick them thither drue.
      Therwhiles amidst the flockes of matrones grave and younger frie,
      Lavinia the Virgin well attended drue her nie.
      Her christall eyes downe casting to the ground, whom there in place
      When Lord Aeneas saw, so sad of looke, so fresh of face,
      At first amazed gazing still he stoode, (most strange to heare, )
490   And Turnus wofull chaunce revolving deepe him touched neare.
      That with so great an hope, forst forth to warres, such bloody broyles
      Had mooved earst, and glad had undertane such warlike toyles.
      Then were the Princes both in wedlock band eternall knit,
      And Hymen songes were sung, with prayses great for Princes fit.
      Then shoutinges shrill, and muttrings loude of men mount up to skies
      Of such as wish them well, whose voice the court through ringing flies.
      Therewhiles, Aeneas unto trustie Achates gave in charge,
      The giftes which once Andromache him gave, and presents large
      With speede to fetch, the garments partie wrought with silke and gold.
500   And which herself was wont, while Troyan state in wealth did hold,
      To weare about her neck the coller rich beset with stones.
      And more then these, the mighty drinking boule which Priam ones
      In signe of love unto his father gave Anchises deare.
      Achates made no stay, but soone these giftes with ioyfull cheare
      Returning brought as he commaunded was: Latinus king
      The costly boule receyveth for reward, an hugie thing.
      But bright Lavinia his wife, the golden garments gay,
      An iewell ritche receiving tooke of gift without delay.
      And eche doth other enterteyning greete with friendly minde,
510   And sundrie pleasaunt meanes to spend the time in talke they finde.
           And now the time so late of day departing, asked meate.
      When loe, the bourdes they lade with princely cates for men to eate.
      And all the inner roomes with gorgeous furniture they fill.
      Then all attending there, eche one to set him downe at will
      On seates with purple spread they do request, on meates to feede,
      And daynties to be set on bourd to serve hard hungers neede.
      From christall Ewers water forth they poure mens hands to wash,
      And set on bourdes good store of Manchet fine well clensde from trash,
      The wayters then innumerable all, to serving bent,
520   Themselves to sundrie chargies do devide with one assent.
      Some see the tables furnished with meate, some cuppes do tende,
      And boules to fill with wine: now here they wag, now there they wende
      In troupes full thick, and through the pallace great they wander wide.
      But king Latinus on the lad Iulusall that tide
      Ententife helde his eyes, his face and gesture marking all,
      His gravitie in wordes which from his childish mouth did fall.
      His iudgement ripe so far above his yeares: and question much
      With him he did, and talking too and fro much matter tuch.
      At length him sweetely kossing, hent in armes embracing long,
530   Reioycing, happie thrice for such reward obtaind among
      The Gods immortall, Lord Aeneas there he did declare,
      Whose happe was such a sunne to have, of wit and vertue rare.
           When hunger slaked was with meates, the slow forthsliding night
      With pleasant talke to passe they do begin them to delight.
      Sometime of Troyan chaunces hard to treat, and Greekish bandes.
      Sometime of Laurent battailes fiercely fought with bloody handes.
      Where were the bandes first overthrowne, and where they did repell
      Their enimies, and who the onset first with courage fell
      Upon the battayle gave, and mounted fayre on warlike steede
540   His glittring blade did drench with death of foes that fast did bleede.
      But cheefely Lord Aeneas there, and good Latinus old
      The antike deedes of noble Latine Lordings did unfold:
      And how Saturnus shunning fast the sword of Iove his sun,
      In Italie ariving hid himselfe, whereof begun
      The name of Latium unto that land: and furthermore,
      How all the people wild, that wont to dwell on hilles before
      He brought to better life, and gave them lawes to rule them good,
      And taught them use of wine, and how to till their land for foode.
      And next, how Iove to this his fathers realme him after drue.
550   Whereas on Atlas daughter, hight Electra, bright of hue,
      He Dardanus begat, that pierst with wrath his brother slue
      Iasius by name, and got him soone to Phrigie boundes
      From Corytus, with nations wundrous store to till the groundes.
      And how right haute of minde for being sunne to love divine,
      An Eagle brave hee bare, the badge of noble Hectors lyne.
      And was the first that did advaunce their grandsires worthie fame.
      And eke the founder first of Troyan blood so great of name.
      With this, and semblant talke, the time between them long they spent.
      When mumbling loud men make, whose cheareful charms to laughter bent
560   The loftie roofes do reach, and all the pallace fill with din.
      Up rise the Troyans then to daunce, and Latines thick in throng
      Themselves adioyning come, and Troyan youths permixt among,
      At sound of harpe they trimly tread their trickes with nimble feete,
      And swiftly fetch their turnes with comly grace for dauncers meete.
           And now this weeding feast, unto the ninth day forth had run,
      When Lord Aeneas first a citie new with plough begun
      To measure put, then houses up they reare, and trenches wide
      With bankes they cast on high. When be, a thing right strange they spide,
      A thing right strange to tell. A mightie flame brightshining light
570   Lavinias head to touch, and to the cloudes to reachin hight
      But Lord Aeneas still astoined stoode, and up did cast
      His folded handes to heaven, and praying thus he spake at last.
      O Iupiter, if ever Troyan wights by sea or lande
      Thy warninges great have willingly obayde, ne did withstand.
      If we thy Godhead evermore with dread, and altars to
      Have worshipped, and by what ever else remaynes to do
      Or is behinde, with happy southsay bring us quiet rest,
      Confirme us sure in this, and end these toyles which we detest.
      While this he sayd, there stoode him closely by his mother deare,
580   Confessing who she was, and thus she spake with gentle cheare.
      My sunne, leave of this care of minde, and take for better blisse
      These signes of God for future ioy to thee, and not to misse.
      Now hast thou gotten rest, this is the end of mischiefes all,
      And wished peace at length by tract of time to thee doth fall.
      Ne do thou feare the flame that from thy dulcet spouses head
      To skies doth rise aloft, pluck up thine heart full farre from dread.
      For she thy name with famous issue borne shall send to skies,
      And Troyan captaynes moe bring forth to light that must arise.
      And valyant Nephues unto thee shall bring from issue great,
590   That all the world so wide with vertues prayses shall repleat,
      And with their mightie power full force shall wholy it subdue,
      And draw the spoles thereof in Triumphe brave: whom glory true
      Right great, when they the Ocean have passed, shall convay
      To heaven on high: whom vertues fayne great actes for to assay,
      And to atchieve, through vertue them as Gods shall lift to skies.
      As for this flame, thy noble Nations prayse before thyne eyes
      For future time it showes, by starry fire God gave this signe.
      Wherefore, in lue of all this worthie prayse, this citie thine
      Which heare thou buildest, see that by thy wives name thou it call.
600   And over this, thy sacred houshold Gods from Troyan fall,
      From fire preserved, place within the walles of thy new towne,
      And give them honours large for aie to last with great renowne.
      For these (a woundrous thing) this towne in love shall hold so deare,
      That if remooved thence to other places far they were,
      Shall of their owne accord returne unto their former place.
      Thrice happy man, whom with so good successe the Gods do grace.
      The Troyan Nation eke thou shalt deteyne in quiet peace.
      And when at length thy sire in law all aged shall decease,
      Forewearied with many yeares, and pleasaunt fieldes of rest
610   Among the shadowes shall possesse a place for quiet best,
      Immediately thou his crowne and scepter large shalt guide,
      And governe the Italians, and ordaine lawes beside.
      For Troyans and Italians commixt, and glad at last
      Thy selfe to heaven shalt send, the Gods decree thus standeth fast.
      She sayd, and into aire departing thin she went her way.
      Aeneas then, whom power so great of God did much affray,
      Astoined sore his Goddesse mothers heastes doth all fulfill,
      And now his Troians setled well in peace he rules at will.
      And king Latinus dying left his scepter, which anon
620   Aeneas him succeeding did possesse when he was gone.
      And all Italia right large and wide did wholy sway.
      Now Troians and Italians like customes to obay,
      And manners did agree rightwillingly with one assent.
      And fervent love in freendly breast was fixt not to relent.
      And equall lawes for both they ioynctly made with good entent.
           Then Venus glad, in mids of heaven foorthstanding love before,
      Most humbly there his feete embracing, thus gan him implore.
      Almighty sire, that althings doost alone from heaven direct,
      That all affaires and cares of men revolving doost detect.
630   While Troians were with luckles fortune drawne, I call to minde
      Thou promisedst them rest, and end of troubles all to finde.
      Ne hath thy promise, father deere, at all deceived mee.
      For that now all Italia, not iarring once perdee,
      For three yeeres space in sacred peace hath seene them to remaine.
      But farthermore than this, thou grauntedst, love, to mee againe
      My great Aeneas to advance unto the loftie skie,
      And him of due desert to place among the starres on hie.
      What is thy minde herin as now? For why, even ripe by this
      Aeneas vertue longes to dwell above in lasting blis.
640   To whom the father of men and gods, sweet kossing, from an hie
      These words drew forth from breast: How much, good daughter Venus, I
      Aeneas stout, and Troians all incessantly did love,
      Whom perrils eft so great by land and sea forththrust did shove,
      Thou knowest wel, and mooved oft, my childe, with love of thee,
      I have bin sorie, greeving much in minde thy greefe to see.
      Howbeit yet in tract of time, by Iunoes good consent,
      I have them ended all: and now give eare to mine entent,
      Which is, that I the capteine great of Troians to invest
      In heaven have now decreed, and sure he shall mee seeming best
650   Increase the number of the Gods, and glad I do agree.
      Thou what in him is mortall take away, and make him free,
      And ad him to the mighty starres that shine in loftie skies.
      Yea, others that with vertue fraught herafter shall arise,
      And eke themselves adorne with praise eterne not to decay,
      Fulfilling eke the world with noble deedes of glory gay,
      Those likewise will I to the skies advance. All Gods said yea
      To this, ne did dame Iuno Queene of Gods, once disagree.
      But gave advice that to the heavens Aeneas might ascend,
      With other kindly wordes, which did to love and freindship tend,
660   Then Venus through the flittring aire descending downe did slide,
      And to Laurentum towne she goes, neere where to sea doth glide
      Numicie river drenched deepe in reede, and overhid.
      The body of her sun to wash, and mortall part she bid
      The water then to dense, and glad the happie soule on hie
      Late losed from the corpse she bare aloft to dwell in skie,
      And did amid the starres Aeneas place, whom Iulies line
      Their private God doth call, adorning him with rites devine.

499  rich] Brinton righ
531  slaked] Brinton staked

The text of Twyne's translation is given as printed in Anna Cox Brinton, Maphaeus Vegius and his Thirteenth Book of the Aeneid: A Chapter on Virgil in the Renaissance (Stanford: Stanford UP, 1930), 53-91. Scanned and corrected by David Wilson-Okamura 9 August 1998. Please email further corrections to navigation map