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Aut. 2020, Aut. 2019, Aut. 2018, Aut. 2017, Aut. 2016, Aut. 2015, Aut. 2014, Aut. 2013, Aut. 2012, Aut. 2011, Aut. 2009, Aut. 2004, Aut. 2003
Classics: Homer to Dante
The Odyssey, Aeneid, and Divine Comedy in English translation.
Spr. 2020, Spr. 2019, Spr. 2018, Spr. 2017, Spr. 2016, Spr. 2015, Spr. 2014, Spr. 2013, Spr. 2011, Spr. 2010, Spr. 2009
Spr. 2019, Spr. 2017, Spr. 2013, Spr. 2012, Spr. 2010, Spr. 2007
Aut. 2018, Spr. 2018, Aut. 2017, Aut. 2016, Aut. 2002
Aut. 2018, Aut. 2016, Aut. 2015, Aut. 2014, Spr., 2012, Aut. 2011, Spr. 2011, Spr. 2009, Aut. 2008, Spr. 2008, Aut. 2007
Aut. 2017, Aut. 2014, Aut. 2013, Aut. 2012, Aut. 2010, Aut. 2006
Aut. 2015
Spr. 2015, Aut. 2012, Aut. 2003, Spr. 2002, Aut. 2000, Spr. 2000
Spr. 2014, Aut. 2011, Spr. 2003, Spr. 2006
Aut. 2013
Spr. 2013, Spr. 2012, Spr. 2010, Spr. 2007
Aut. 2010, Aut. 2006, Aut. 2002
Aut. 2009
Aut. 2008
Aut. 2007, Aut. 2005
Spring 2007
Spring 2007
Spr. 2003
Spr. 2003
Spr. 2003
Aut. 2002
Spr. 2002
Aut. 2001, Spr. 2001
Aut. 2001
Aut. 2001, Aut. 1999, Aut. 1998
Spr. 2001
Aut. 2000
Aut. 2000
Spr. 2000
Aut. 1999
Aut. 1999
Shakespeare's Comedies
Midsummer Night's Dream, Merchant of Venice, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, and The Tempest.
Bible as Literature
Approaching the Bible with fresh eyes in big, book-length chunks.
Foundations of College Writing
Theme: making arguments about music.
Shakespeare's Tragedies
Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth.
Shakespeare's Histories
Five Shakespeare plays and the films they inspired.
Graduate research seminar.
An introduction to poetry and poetic forms.
ENGL 1200: Research Writing
The second half of ECU's required composition sequence.
The Meaning of Life
Anyone who calls War and Peace dreary obviously hasn't read it.
Bible as Literature
Approaching the Bible with fresh eyes in big, book-length chunks.
Renaissance Poetry and Prose
Nondramatic literature from English poetry's Great Decade, the 1590s.
Interpreting Literature
Slow reading, writing intensive.
Great Books of War
Homer's Iliad, Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War, Tolstoy's War and Peace, and Michael Shaara's The Killer Angels.
Religion and Literature
Lions face off with Christians in fiction and poetry.
Bible as Literature
Approaching the Bible with fresh eyes in big, book-length chunks.
Works of Virgil
Eclogues, Georgics, and Aeneid in English translation. Co-taught with Dr. John Stevens (Classics).
Queen Elizabeth and the Faerie Queene
We will begin by looking at Elizabeth herself: in biography, in film, and in her own speeches. The rest of the course will be devoted to Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene and, in particular, to Spenser's images of the Virgin Queen.
Official title: "Shakespeare and the Renaissance." This a master's-level course on period
styles in Elizabethan and Jacobean literature. Over the course of the semester, we look at paired
readings from both periods, e.g., an early Shakespeare tragedy and a late Shakespeare tragedy; a play by Marlowe and a play by Ben Jonson; love
poems by Samuel Daniel and love poems by Michael Drayton; satires by Spenser and satirical epigrams by Jonson; and lots of Donne.
With readings on C. P. Snow's The Two Cultures and the rationale for a liberal arts education in an age of science.
This course traces the visionary tradition in medieval poetry and fiction from the Quest of the Holy Grail and the Divine Comedy to the Vision of Piers Plowman and the Shewings of Julian of Norwich. The final weeks of the course will consider what happened to the visionary tradition in English poetry after the Middle Ages.
An introductory survey of Shakespeare's plays and poetry. Instruction will also be given in the proper conduct of foreign wars and coups d'état.
Best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost, John Milton was also a forceful advocate of free speech who lost his eyesight arguing for the overthrow of the English monarchy. This course will explore the full range of Milton's writings in prose and verse, from Comus and the early lyrics to the monumental works of his final decades.
A survey of European art and thought from Beowulf to Paradise Lost, this course will explore the relationship between intellectual movements (e.g., the Reformation) and period styles in painting and literature (e.g., mannerism and the baroque). In the process, we will look at a broad variety of writings and images, including works by Dante, Petrarch, and Chaucer; Spenser, Shakespeare, and Milton; Luther, Burckhardt, and Huizinga; Jan van Eyck, Hieronymous Bosch, and Michelangelo; along with the portraits of Elizabeth I.
Traces the evolution of Arthurian legend (including the legend of the Holy Grail) from its sources in Celtic mythology. Includes works by French and Welsh authors in translation.
Stendahl, The Red and the Black; Feodor Dostoevski, Crime and Punishment; George Eliot, Middlemarch; Henry James, The Portrait of a Lady; Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse; Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea; Toni Morrison, Song of Solomon.
The Canterbury Tales in the context of medieval culture (including the Roman de la rose and Boccaccio's Decameron).
Race, religion, and sexuality in renaissance poetry from Wyatt to Milton.
Homer's Odyssey, Virgil's Aeneid, Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, and Milton's Paradise Lost, with an emphasis on the techniques of historical narrative.
Writing workshop, with emphasis on argumentation.
What I look for in an A paper, in a B paper, etc.